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Is massage safe in your first trimester of pregnancy

I recently had a Mama contact me and ask me if I could massage her at just 6 weeks pregnant. After a quick chat to determine her health, her pregnancy right now and any pregnancy history I felt comfortable in my reply. "Yes you can have a massage" I told her. "Massage can be so beneficial for you in pregnancy, and the sooner, the better" I told her. Her husband had attempted to ring around and book her a day spa treatment including massage and was told by many places: "NO. We do not massage unti…

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Matrescence (3)

Matrescence - how do we support this journey for a Mother-to-be?

Matrescence embraces the very real changes that happen to a woman each and every time she has a baby. Once supported in traditional care of a Mother, today mums often prepare for their birth and postpartum supported more by google and social media than real village. But it takes a village. Understanding matrescence, and how we can support the birth of a matrescence journey sets a woman up for the Motherhood experience she deserves. A Mother Blessing is a wonderful way to begin this journey and c…

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What Mums really want this Mothers Day

A reminder to those looking for the perfect gift this Mothers Day. Be it for your Mother or your partner. If you are the mum, a gentle but straight up Mothers Day gift guide to share with those you love. This guide offers gift ideas for all budgets without pushing a heap of stereotypical marketing toward presents. It is limited only by your imagination and the effort you are willing to contribute. It is a a Mothers Day gift dependant on gratitude to mum, community care and an opportunity to conn…

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Is pregnancy massage right for you?

Exploring the benefits of pregnancy massage to support your pregnancy, and help to manage discomfort, improve sleep, ease anxiety balance hormones and overall pregnancy discomforts. Discovering how it may help with painful issues such as sciatica and symphasis pubic dysfunction, supporting you with PNDA or simply relaxing and preparing you for birth. Pregnancy massage is not only safe, but beneficial for your pregnancy and preparation for birth.

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8 Simple ways to manage self care as a new Mama

Lets talk self care for a minute. YOUR SELF CARE MATTERS! You cannot drink from an empty cup. Neither can your babies, or children, or family or friends. We as Mama's give and give, but there is only so long that we can give the best of ourselves before we become empty. And depleted if we do not put ourselves FIRST some of the time. Or at least second. Our Western culture has some of the highest rates of perinatal depression. And I feel a big par…

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How one overwhelmed mum became my greatest teacher

Being new to something is always overwhelming. So imagine my nerves as I prepared to take my first infant massage class.

Yes I was excited – there would be two sets of twins! – but I also knew I needed to keep my nerves in check. After all, the parents in the room were facing the overwhelming yet beautiful experience of welcoming a new baby into their lives. As I remembered my own experience of becoming a mum, I felt that my nerves seemed almost trivial in comparison.

I was…

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Smashing pumpkin muffins

Because my past life (as in before children) was lived as a free wandering chef, and a drop out naturopath student for a short time (such a divide between the two professions), I have a huge belief that food is so important in your life. Both for the soul and body. Food as medicine - for your body as you fill it with the nutrients you need to grow, heal, have energy, and the right headspace. Food for the soul, nourishing you out of pure comfort. It tastes so great. It reminds you…

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Being healthy is so much more than just not being sick. Are you ready for a holistic health audit?

It is Women's Health week, so what better time to remind you to look after your health. And I am not just talking about taking your vitamins and wearing your mask so you don't get sick. Nooooo

Being healthy is SO MUCH MORE than just not being sick! It is a holistic thing. It is about caring for ALL aspects of your life. It is about leaning in and asking for or accepting help in any parts that need a little support. It is about looking after YOU and honouring every part of your life.
Every week!…

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