Soothing pregnancy and postnatal massage on the Sunshine Coast 

Massage is a restorative and blissful experience. Each of these specialist treatments is tailored to your specific concerns, to ensure you reap the full benefits of your massage.


Pregnancy Massage

Relieve the aches that come with pregnancy as your body grows and changes. I am trained to care for you, calm the nervous system, reduce muscle pain in your legs, feet and back, and help improve your sleep. Pregnancy Massage is not just luxury. It is body maintenance. Self care that can be used to prepare your body for labour, and is an important source of stress relief.

Book for 90 or 120 minutes.



Labour Preparation Massage

Not labour ' induction', rather a massage aimed at helping to prepare the body for labour by encouraging full relaxation, decreased anxiety and increased oxytocin, necessary for labour to initiate and progress. Acupressure points may be used to encourage the commencement of labour if you wish. Optimal Maternal Positioning techniques can also be included in the longer treatment. What better way to commence your labour than a completely relaxed, mind and body.

Book for a 90 minute or 2 hour session



Postpartum Massage

When your baby arrives, you need to continue taking care of yourself. Integrating massage into your recovery is an effective way to guide the body back to its natural state. Benefits of postnatal massage include reduced swelling, better sleep, improved breast feeding, stress relief and relaxation, improved recovery, assisted cesarean recovery and enhanced general well being health.

Let us come to you and make it work around your baby's routine. ​

Book for 60, 90 or 120 minutes.



Remedial Massage

Let us get into all those aches, pains and knots that come with life. We can tailor a treatment to your needs or generally work on your back, neck, shoulders and legs. Tension headaches or reduced movement due to pain and stiffness all benefit from remedial massage. And the best part is we can come to you, making the experience even more relaxing. 

Book for 60, 90 or 120 minutes.



Mothers' Group

Share the care, and divide the time and cost by getting a massage package for your mothers' group. Take turns watching the bubs  in your home while we offer each of you a relaxation or remedial massage.

Morning tea can be supplied too, so you get to feel a little extra special!



Parents: Pamper or Pummel

You both deserve some time out. Let us come to you for a relaxation or remedial massage. Take turns watching you baby/kids, while you each get the massage you need. Remember that looking after yourself makes you a better parent!

Book for 60, 90 or 120 minutes each.


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If you love your regular massages, and ready commit to your self-care in this sacred transition in your life, consider our packages. We offer groups of 3 or 6 massage services at an overall discounted rate.*

*All treatments must be used within 3 or 6 months.


Booking Terms

Healthcare rebates 

We are fully registered and insured. If you have private health insurance, you will be covered for all our remedial massage services.

Cancellation policy 

We understand that when working with families, especially babies, life happens. However, to avoid being charged, please contact us at least six hours prior to cancel an individual massage and at least 24 hours before any couple or group bookings. We are very fair and understanding if let us know when problems arise.

Travel surcharge

All mobile massage prices are for homes within a 15 km radius of Glass House Mountains. For bookings outside this radius, a travel surcharge is applied. Rates per massage or booking are as follows:

15–20km: $10 

20–25km: $20 

25–30km: $30 

To see where you fall in our radius circle, click here and add Gould Drive, Glass House Mountains, 4518 as your radial point.